The Physics Department (DEPHY = ‘Département de Physique’)

The Physics department offers courses In the European format : Bachelor (‘Licence’, 3 years), Master (‘Master’, 2 years) or Doctorate (‘Doctorat’). Teaching is closely connected to research: teaching staff are researchers affiliated to one of the two Physics labs at Montpellier, the Laboratoire Charles Coulomb or the Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier.

Physics is an experimental science based on mathematical models as well as numerical calculations. We therefore teach Physics students in three aspects:

  • fundamental concepts and mathematical models.
  • numerical methods and simulation techniques.
  • measurement methods and devices.

Physics finds applications in many domains, and career perspectives include jobs for specialised technicians, engineers and in teaching/education.

Our courses are organised in terms of

Head of department:

Thierry Guillet (head of department)

Julien Larena (deputy head of department)

Contact Nelly Malartic : 04 67 14 49 16 (Depatmental secretary)



  • Informations sur les réunions de rentrée en licence et en master
  • Présentation Grand Publique : »L’intrication quantique  : depuis le débat entre Einstein et Bohr, jusqu’au Prix Nobel de Physique d’Alain Aspect en 2022″ , par Anaïs Dréau, chercheuse CNRS au Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (Université Montpellier et CNRS), le Mercredi 18 janvier à 15h00 : Amphi Dumontet, campus Triolet
  • Infos sur les bourses de thèses sur le site del’École Doctorale I2S